This page lists peer-reviewed research papers on digital accessibility education. The list was generated through a systematic literature review (Sept, 2019) and is open to updates. To recommend additional empirical, peer-reviewed, published research that is missing from this list, please contact us.
The list links to external publisher and author websites. All open access articles, and freely available ‘authors drafts’ are highlighted as [OA]. Other papers are paywalled by publishers, with a cost associated.
Alonso, F., Fuertes, J. L., Gonzalez, A. L., & Martinez, L. (2010). Using Collaborative Learning to Teach WCAG 2.0 [OA]. Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Proceedings, Pt 1 (Vol. 6179, pp. 400-403). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin.
Benavidez, C., Fuertes, J. L., Gutierrez, E., & Martinez, L. (2006). Teaching web accessibility with “Contramano” and hera. Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Proceedings (Vol. 4061, pp. 341-348). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin.
Bustamante, F. A. R., Amado-Salvatierra, H. R., Tortosa, S. O., & Hilera, J. R. (2018). Training engineering educators on accessible and inclusive learning design [OA]. International Journal of Engineering Education, 34(5), 1538-1548.
Carter, J. A., & Fourney, D. W. (2007). Techniques to assist in developing accessibility engineers. 9th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, ASSETS 2007, Tempe, Arizona.
Crabb, M., Heron, M., Jones, R., Armstrong, M., Reid, H., & Wilson, A. (2019). Developing Accessible Services: Understanding Current Knowledge and Areas for Future Support [OA]. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Freire, A. P., Fortes, R. P. M., Paiva, D. M. B., & Turine, M. A. S. (2007). Using screen readers to reinforce web accessibility education. 12th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education – ITiCSE 2007, Dundee, Scotland.
Gay, G., Djafarova, N., & Zefi, L. (2017). Teaching accessibility to the masses [OA]. 14th Web for All Conference on The Future of Accessible Work, W4A ’17, Perth, Australia.
Hengstberger, B., Miesenberger, K., Batusic, M., Chelbat, N., & Garcia, A. R. (2008). Joint study programme on accessible web design. Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Proceedings (Vol. 5105, pp. 182-+). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin.
Henka, A., & Zimmermann, G. (2017). Status Quo and Lessons Learned from a Persona-Based Presentation Metaphor of WCAG. Human-Computer Interaction – Interact 2017, Pt Ii (Vol. 10514, pp. 54-63). Cham: Springer.
Katsanos, C., Tselios, N., Tsakoumis, A., & Avouris, N. (2012). Learning about web accessibility: A project based tool-mediated approach [OA]. Education and Information Technologies, 17(1), 79-94.
Kawas, S., Vonessen, L., & Ko, A. J. (2019). Teaching accessibility: A design exploration of faculty professional development at scale [OA]. 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE ’19 Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Keates, S. (2011). Teaching the Next Generation of Universal Access Designers: A Case Study. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Design for All and Einclusion, Pt 1 (Vol. 6765, pp. 70-79).
Keates, S. (2015). A pedagogical example of teaching Universal Access [OA]. Universal Access in the Information Society, 14(1), 97-110.
Kelle, S., Henka, A., & Zimmermann, G. (2015). A persona-based extension for massive open online courses in accessible design [OA]. 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (Vol. 3, pp. 3663-3668). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Bv.
Miesenberger, K., & Ortner, D. (2006). Raising the expertise of web designers through training – The experience of BFWD – Accessible web design (Barrierefreies Webdesign) in Austria [OA]. Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Proceedings (Vol. 4061, pp. 253-257). Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin.
Putnam, C., Dahman, M., Rose, E., Cheng, J. H., & Bradford, G. (2016). Best Practices for Teaching Accessibility in University Classrooms: Cultivating Awareness, Understanding, and Appreciation for Diverse Users [OA]. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 8(4), 26.
Rosmaita, B. J. (2007). Making service learning accessible to computer scientists [OA]. 38th technical symposium on computer science education, SIGCSE ’07, Covington, Kentucky.
Rughiniş, C., & Rughiniş, R. (2014) ‘In my shoes’ interaction sandbox for a quest of accessible design: Teaching sighted students accessible design for blind people. In: Vol. 8513 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 64-74): Springer Verlag.
Shinohara, K., Bennett, C. L., Pratt, W., & Wobbrock, J. O. (2018). Tenets for social accessibility: Towards humanizing disabled people in design [OA]. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 11(1).
Shinohara, K., Bennett, C. L., & Wobbrock, J. O. (2016). How Designing for People With and Without Disabilities Shapes Student Design Thinking [OA]. 18th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, ASSETS 2016, Reno, Nevada, USA.
Shinohara, K., Kawas, S., Ko, A. J., & Ladner, R. E. (2018). Who teaches accessibility? A survey of U.S. computing faculty [OA]. 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE ’18, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Tomberg, V., & Laanpere, M. (2014). Teaching Design for All Through Empathic Modeling: A Case Study in Tallinn University [OA]. Human-Computer Interaction: Theories, Methods, and Tools, Pt I (Vol. 8510, pp. 259-269). Cham: Springer Int Publishing Ag.
Whitney, G., Keith, S., & Schmidt-Belz, B. (2010). The Challenge of Mainstreaming ICT Design for All [OA]. Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2010, Berlin, Heidelberg.